How to Sell my BIke Fast ? What bike shops around Downey or Bellflower buy bikes ?
How to sell my bike? What’s the best way to sell my used bike? How much is my bike worth? Who buys used bikes? What do I need to know when Buying a used bike?

Live 4 Bikes bike shop In Downey and Bellflower California is one of the few stores that buys used bikes. Buying used bikes is not easy and not all bike shops do it. It requires a special skill of negotiating and people skills. In this article we will discuss the best way for you to sell your bike, on your own or to a shop like Live 4 Bikes in Bellflower or Downey.

If you are wondering if it would be cheaper to buy a new bike or fix your existing bike? In most cases it would be cheaper to fix your old bike. Stop by a Live 4 Bikes location and have a conversation with a mechanic to get an idea of cost. Also, if you think selling your bike with new tires, a tune-up and upgrades will get you more money for your bike, think again! It does not. You are better off selling the bike for a little less than what you where hoping to sell it for, rather than spending the money to fix it. Frankly, it will yield you the same amount of money. One of the things the seller of a bike regularly does is raise price when new tires and accessories etc are added and that’s understandable. Unfortunately, it does not increase the value of the bike.

When selling your bike, the first place to start is at your bicycle’s current value. It is important to know how much your bike is worth now, as appose to how much it cost when you bought it. It is not an exact science to value a bike, but we use as a reference or a place to start. Having a reasonable expectation of value is important to close a deal. Some bikes hold their value more than others due to name brands, functionality, trends, quality and colors. Typically, bike shop bicycle brands are also part of this list because the hold a lot of the characteristics from the same list.
An interesting conversation we have with people about price is usually older bikes that have sentimental value. Once in a while, people try to a sell bike at a high price and the bike is not worth it. Just keep in mind that if, for some reason, you think the bike is worth an extraordinary amount because it belong to someone special, that may not be the case and that is not easily translatable. If you do feel that your bike is worth a little extra and there is no compromise, then I suggest EBay. However, EBay does have seller fees and shipping cost .

The best way to sell your bike is to post up your bike in many free ad listing sites. You may want to try Craigslist, Offer Up or Facebook Market Place, just to name a few. The more places your bike is listed the better odds you have. Taking good pictures and many pictures in the sun light or good lighting can really help your odds. Also, including the original picture will also help with selling you bike as well. It’s important to be honest about imperfections, scratches, or broken components. Descriptions of sizes, make, models and the number gears on the listing will help make things run smother and save you some time. Another great tip is to add what times locations are available and any special instruction when someone asks you if the bike is available.
The thing that will help sell your bike the fastest is selling it at the correct time of year. If you are not aware, the summertime is when people are riding bikes the most in Southern California. Bikes sell the faster during warm weather and when kids are out of school. In some parts of the country like desert, the summertime gets too hot to be outside, so cooler weather is best. Typically, around 70-90 degrees and sunny is the sweet spot and vacation times for the kids. On their other hand, there are parts of the country such as Oregon where bicycles are a year around necessity, so needless to say this may not apply to them. In heavy cycling community such as Oregon, people ride even on rainy days. Ask around to see how your part of the country is, during the heavy cycling season. In Southern California the cold months are from October to December, it is very hard to sell bikes. We feel that we can’t even give them away during those times.

If you are having trouble selling your bike on your own or you just don’t want to try for various reason, such as security concerns, not internet savvy, want or need cash money fast, or don’t want to bother with low ballers and offers and you live near Downey or Bellflower California, you can always come to the Live 4 Bikes bike shop at either one of our locations to see if we could possibly buy your bike from you. We do ask to see ID, proof of purchase (in some cases) and require you to sign a liability form in case of theft. Live 4 Bikes bike shops in Downey and Bellflower are a legit business and we want to remain a trust worthy business in our community and don’t want to deal with any stolen bikes. We do not expect photo ID from your friend, mom, etc. In cases where two people own the bike, we ask to see both persons ID. If the bike you are trying to see is stolen please do not try to sell it to us! We will know and not buy it from you! Live 4 Bikes bike shop does have the right to not buy any bike for any reason. Please call ahead and talk to the manager before stopping by and please don’t come to the shops with and empty tank of gas hoping your bike will sell. It puts us in an awkward position.
Hope this helps you make some devotions on your bike sales and expectations. If you have any other questions about selling your bike , please call us or stop by the stores.